Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oh, Where oh Where Have My Blog Posts Gone?

I'm back!  Ok, let's face it... I haven't been as faithful to my blog as I truly would like.  I don't dare look back at the last school year to count my number of posts.  I already know the number fits on one hand.  Shameful.

So what's been going on since January?  Too much to mention in a single post.  Let's just say that I believe I'm in what most intelligent people call a state of denial.  Flash back a year and you can find me happily establishing myself as the new librarian in the school for which I once was a student, followed by being an English teacher for the past 10 years.  I hit the ground running, helping to modernize the library, engage students, and convert the thinking of my colleagues. Fast forward to April when retirements were announced.  No, I'm not close to retirement.  However, several of my colleagues announced they were ready, and with that... my responsibilities and routine were set into a tailspin.

I'll spare the details.  Suffice it to say that I'll be a bit busier this school year.  In addition to all of the exciting plans I have swirling in my mind for the library, I'll be hard at work serving the technology needs of the building as well.  It's going to be hectic, crazy, invigorating, and fun.

More posts to come this summer!

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